Jardim Interior promotes the acquisition of artistic, educational and relational skills through a group of practical experiences lived over the course of a week of intensive work.

The Companhia de Música Teatral (CMT) has developed a series of artistic practices that establish educative and social links from infancy. In Summer 2013, as part of the Opus Tutti project, an experience named Jardim Interior had a particular impact on the participants (children and adults) and on the audience (babies and their carers).

Implicit in this course of training is the creative process within which is built an artistic experience for families with babies, which takes place in dialogue with nature.

This experience was the culmination of an artistic residency and of a series of workshops with children, artists and educators carried out during the course of that year. The knowledge acquired made us think of a training model based on the mobilization of cognitive and emotional elements, experienced through a creative process in which the final performance, for parents and babies, is prepared. It was thus that, in 2015, we worked on this new idea and created the Jardim Interior Immersive Training, first given at the Gulbenkian Foundation as part of the GermInArte project. Within this project we sought to foment dialogue between various professionals and to bring to fruition the ideas of a “total art”. Throughout the process of preparation, with the objective of the performance of the final work, the following principle “subjects” are included: voice and movement; vocal soundscape, also with the use of unconventional instruments; Edwin Gordon’s music learning theory; communicative musicality; music as a mediator in human interaction in infancy; music as an instrument for human development.

Jardim Interior is a unique creative process, resonating with the “soundscapes” and the “human landscapes” of each place in which it germinates, culminating in an artistic experience for families with babies carried out in an open-air space, in dialogue with nature.